100 People: News & Awards
NJ Star Ledger Article: In celebration of Newark's 350th anniversary, the 100 People Foundation partnered with the PSEG Foundation to create a vibrant portrait of the city and its residents. The 100 photographs are featured in a gallery exhibition at Newark's historic Hahne's building, and the NJ Star Ledger featured many of them in this terrific piece.
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Le Monde article: The 100 People statistics and perspective are featured in the French daily newspaper in their "Economy" section. Read more |
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Photographer Paul Mobley and author and editor Katrina Fried set out to find fifty Americans who had made it their business to improve the lives of others. The result is this groundbreaking book profiling some of America's leading social entrepreneurs whose energy and nonprofit organizations have changed the lives of millions around the world, very often one at a time. As co-founder and president of the 100 People Foundation, Carolyn Jones was chosen to be profiled for this seminal project! Read more |
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The Gates Notes article: Bill Gates featured the 100 People video on global health on his website The Gates Notes. In 2010, Mr. Gates joined us, along with student scientist and Intel ISEF finalist Matt McIntyre, for an interview about global health solutions. Read more |
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Care2 article: "If the world were 100 people, what would it look like?" That's the question that Care2 poses to its community of involved members in an article about the 100 People Foundation, its mission and current projects. Read more |
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CNBC article: As part of the 100 People Foundation's 10 Students. 10 Issues. 10 Journeys. project, CNBC captured an interview of Sun Microsystems founder Bill Joy that was conducted by Intel ISEF finalist Erika DeBenedictis. Erika interviewed Mr. Joy about global transportation challenges and solutions. Read more |
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CINE Awards: The 100 People Foundation has been awarded two Cine Golden Eagle Awards In the Children's Education and Entertainment category for the videos 100 People Under the Sun: Africa and 100 People Under the Sun: Philippines. Read more |
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Google Grant: The 100 People Foundation has been selected for a Google Grant award, an in-kind donation of $10,000 per month in free Google AdWords advertising. The grants are designed to support organizations sharing Google's philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy, and the arts. The 100 People website has seen an increase in traffic of over 1000% as a result of the award. |
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Dalai Lama Center - Vancouver Peace Summit 2009: Nobel Laureates in Dialogue: 100 People Foundation board member Brad Davis was invited to the "Connecting for Change" Summit, a three-day invitation-only dialogue for corporate and social leaders and philanthropists that focused on questions related to universal themes of compassion, community and peace. He served as an ambassador for the 100 People Foundation at the event, joining a community that included His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jody Williams, Mairead Maguire, Betty Williams and Murray Gell-Mann. Read more.
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SunPower Foundation Press Release, September 9, 2009: Click below to read the press release that officially announces the launch of 100 People sponsor organization the SunPower Foundation, a first-of-its-kind Foundation that distributes educational tools and develops opportunities to support community-based solar power initiatives. View PDF |
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Turning the Tide: Carolyn Jones, Co-Founder and President of the 100 People Foundation, was invited to the Institute at the Golden Gate's Turning the Tide conference last spring in California to present the 100 People project to an audience of scientists, CEOs, philanthropists, youth activists, venture capitalists, nonprofit leaders and social entrepreneurs, all invested in a sustainable future for our planet. The positive response to her presentation was overwhelming-- click the link below and scroll down to view the video, which is titled "The Power of a Bright Idea". Watch video. |
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Washington Post Article: The Washington Post ran a story on the community art show and event hosted by the Loudoun Country Day School to showcase the work they did with the 100 People project. Click the link below to view the article "Pop Go the People of Loudoun County" on their website. Read more. |
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Edutopia Article: The George Lucas Educational Foundation's magazine Edutopia published a story on the 100 People Foundation, "Getting to Know Them: Paring the World Population Down to Basics". Click the link below to read the story on the Edutopia website. Read more. |