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Picture this complex world simply - the world as 100 people.

7 billion of us share this planet.
Who are we?
What do we look like?
What can we learn from others?

The 100 People Foundation helps students to better understand the complex issues facing our planet and the resources we share.

By framing the global population as 100 people, our media makes education more engaging and effective, and improves students' abilities to remember and relate to what they learn.

We are traveling the globe to meet and create portraits of the 100 people representing all 7 billion of us sharing the planet. Our vision is to create documentary films, photography, and educational tools that facilitate face-to-face introductions among the people of the world in ways that cultivate respect, create dialogue, and inspire global citizenship.

Educational Impact
Teachers from schools on every continent have used our media to enrich their lesson plans and engage students in learning about the world population — starting with their neighborhood. Using the 100 People framework, students interview and create portraits of individuals they admire most in their communities. The portraits are then exhibited at their schools and on our website, and inviting students, teachers and community members into a global conversation about their place in the world. Through this process of statistically and visually bridging the local with the global, students develop an equalizing and expansive framework for seeing the people they share the planet's resources with and for activating their role as global citizens.