Photograph by Nadia Kaiser
AsociaciĆ³n Escuelas Lincoln
Adrian Fernando Schreiber Alvarez
Religion:Roman Catholic
Resident:Buenos Aires, Argentina

Adrian was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His ancestors were from Spain. As a child he grew up with little to nothing. I chose to photograph Adrian because to me he is a typical Argentine. He is pleasant and kind and always a gentleman. He works hard and he wants to have a better life. He loves soccer and is fiercely proud of his country despite the social problems Argentina has endured over the last couple of years.

Adrian just recently went back to school. Because of a lack of financial support he was forced to stop working before finishing his studies. In the last five years he has had over seven jobs. He realized, however, that without a degree he would not be able to build a career. His dream is to be able to go overseas and see the world